How to Install Java JDK in Windows 10? Step by Step Complete Guide – Geeky Script

How to Install Java JDK in Windows 10? Step by Step Complete Guide

Hello Everyone! Today in this article we are going to discuss how to download and install Java JDK in your Operating System. This Java Development Kit (JDK) allows you to code and run your Java programs. So it’s very essential to install JDK in your system. Now at this time, the latest version of java is 15.02, so we are going to download that. Now depending upon at what time you are downloading, it is always recommended that you should download and install the latest version.


Now Let’s first check whether java has already been installed or not. So for that just simply type java -version in your Command Prompt.


Figure 1: Java -version to check java already installed or not

So as you can see that java is not recognized as an internal or external command… which means java is not installed on your computer. So now you can proceed with installing java in your operating system.

So How to download and install Java for Windows?

Following are the steps for JDK 15 free download for 32 bit or JDK 15 download 64 bit and installation.


Step 1) To download java, click here. Then simply click on JDK Download under Oracle JDK.

Figure 2: Java SE 15 Download

Step 2) Now you will be redirected to Java SE Development Kit 15.0.2 page. Here just simply scroll down and you will see Windows x64 Installer. In here you need to click on jdk-11.0.10_windows-x64_bin.exe to download JDK.

Figure 3: Java SE Development kit 15.0.2

Step 3) Here first you need to accept the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE. Then just simply click on Download JDK and it will start downloading your JDK.

Figure 4: Accept the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE

Step 4) Now just double click on the downloaded installation file. This will open up the Java Installation Setup wizard. Now just simply click on next.

Figure 5: Java Installation setup wizard

Step 5) Now after installing java go to your c directory, then Program Files, then go to java directory, then go inside your bin directory. Now just simply copy the file path i.e “c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin”

Figure 6: Copying the JDK installed complete file path

Step 6) Now search Environment Variables in your windows search and click on Edit System Environment Variables. Now this System Properties will pop up. Simply click on Environment Variables.

Figure 7: Under System Properties click on Environment Variables

Step 7) Now click on Path under System variables and then click on Edit…

Figure 8: Clicking on Edit to edit the System variables Path

Step 8) Now click on Edit Text under Edit Environment Variable

Figure 9: Editing the System variables path

Step 9) You will see Edit System Variable pop up in your screen. Now under this Variable Value just go to the end of it and type “;” and then simply paste the JDK installed complete path i.e “c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin” 

Figure 10: Pasting the JDK installed complete path after ";"

Step 10) Now after setting environment variable its time to set JAVA Home. So for that just click on New.

Figure 11: Clicking on New to set Java Home

Step 11) Now type a Variable name as “JAVA_HOME_ENVIRONMENT” and then simply paste the JDK installed directory up to 15.0.1, and then OK and simply finish.

Figure 12: Pasting the JDK installed path and setting Variable name as Java_Home_Environment

Step 12) After that you can confirm your java installation by simply typing java -version in your Command Prompt. 

Figure 13: Confirming JDK installation by typing java -version in Command Prompt

Now as you can see Java version 15.0.1 has rightly shown on Command Prompt showing java installation has been done successfully.

So congratulations!! 🙂 You have successfully installed java in your OS. 

If you face any difficulty you can always comment and you can also watch the following video. 

How to Install Java JDK on Windows 10 [2021 Update] Step by Step JDK Installation Complete Guide

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